Sponge Garden, in the heart of the design district.
Our first sponge garden and its really sucked us in…
This was such a transformative project - really like no other.
This front garden of a residential property on the Pimlico Road is on quite the slope, meaning that all the rain water just runs straight off the concrete into the entrance way to the property.
We were contact by the owner’s Grosvenor Estates to see if there was a way that we could build a garden on the front area to absorb the rain water, give a more enticing entrance for the residents and to encourage wild life to come and stay too.
Quite the brief…but we set about designing these great planters, with reclaimed wood, half filled with wood chip from a tree that had been trimmed at the other end of Ebury Street and all the plants installed were grown within a 20 mile radius of the property.
The green ivy screens help to absorb the sound of the road and offer a little haven for nesting birds.
The paths are to encourage the residents to sit within the garden and enjoy the morning sunrise whilst sipping their morning beverage.
Having said this, the main function of the garden is to absorb the rain water…and so far it seems to be working like a treat.